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Acne treatment - Online visit

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Virtual visit
starting at


*Prices vary by location
Get virtual care from a licensed clinician quickly—no appointment necessary.
Answer some health questions and connect with a clinician
Pick up any prescribed medication at a pharmacy of your choice or have it delivered
Pay a flat visit fee without surprise bills (insurance not accepted)
Your health data is secure and protected by our practices and by law
Happy, barefoot, young woman with short hair and yellow turtleneck sits sideways in chair with hands clasped

What causes acne?

Common acne (Acne vulgaris) has 4 causes, which are often interconnected:

1. Too much sebum, an oily substance that lubricates the hairs that push through the surface of your skin. Hormones and genetics can influence the amount of sebum produced within your hair follicles. When your sebaceous (oil) glands produce too much sebum, it can make your dead skin cells stick together and block your pores.

2. Too much bacteria in the pores. These bacteria, called Cutibacterium acnes (C. acnes), feed on sebum.

3. Too many skin cells called keratinocytes and their output, keratin. Keratin blocks pores through hyperkeratinization, when dead skin cells collect on the surface of the skin.

4. Local inflammation, which may be related to a loss of bacterial diversity in the skin's microbiome.

Different acne medications can target different acne causes. For example, benzoyl peroxide acne cream can kill C. acnes, reduce inflammation, and help you shed dead skin cells. Retinoids like tretinoin (Retin-A) can help normalize sebum production and unblock your pores.

Common acne treatments

The best acne treatment is the one that works for your skin type and addresses the underlying cause of your acne. Clinicians often prescribe a combination of acne medications for the best results.
Icon of a tube of medication
Topical retinoids
• Tretinoin (Retin-A) cream
• Adapalene (Differin) gel
• Tazarotene (Avage, Tazorac)
Icon of a tube of medication
Benzoyl peroxide
Topical antiseptic available in many forms and in combinations like benzoyl peroxide-clindamycin (BenzaClin Gel)
Icon of a tube of medication
Topical antibiotics
• Erythromycin (A/T/S, EMGEL, Erygel)
• Clindamycin (Cleocin)
• Dapsone (Aczone) gel
Icon of a tube of medication
Azelaic acid and salicylic acid
Skin exfoliants available in prescription strength and over the counter
Icon of a prescription bottle and pills
Oral antibiotics
• Doxycycline
• Minocycline
• Tetracycline
Icon of a prescription bottle and pills
Hormonal agents
To treat hormonal acne in women, clinicians may prescribe combined oral contraceptives or spironolactone
Your clinician will determine which (if any) acne treatment is medically appropriate for you based on your symptoms and health history. If you're prescribed medication, pick it up at a pharmacy of your choice. Choose Amazon Pharmacy for free delivery and transparent Prime pricing. The cost of your prescribed medication may be covered by health insurance.
Man with glasses holding mobile phone on couch, mobile phone shows Amazon Clinic intake questionnaire, Amazon box delivered to doorstep

How it works

Treatment for ages 18-64
Answer some questions
We'll ask some questions about your symptoms, health history, and what you're looking for.
Connect with a clinician
Choose from multiple online providers and between video or message-only (if available in your state).
Get a treatment plan and medication, if prescribed
Your clinician will determine what's medically appropriate for you and send any prescriptions to a pharmacy of your choice.
Follow up for 14 days
You'll have unlimited messaging with your clinician for 14 days after you receive your treatment plan. Ask questions about your treatment, or change or adjust your medication.
Multiple online clinics to choose from
Amazon Clinic partners with online clinics to deliver treatment. All partners have U.S.-licensed clinicians and adhere to strict regulatory standards.
Compare prices, response times, and available treatments to pick the online clinic that works best for you.
More care for your skin
Woman with skin symptoms examines red cheeks in mirror


Rosacea can cause skin redness as well as pus-filled bumps.
Woman with skin symptoms examines her torso and arm breakouts in mirror

Not sure what's causing your breakout?

Connect with a clinician face-to-face for skin diagnosis and treatment. This video visit can treat up to 2 skin conditions.

Frequently asked questions

Is this treatment right for me?
This treatment may be right for you if:
• You have facial acne

• You don’t have cystic acne, extensive acne scarring, or acne on multiple parts of your body

• You’re not pregnant
Acne vs. pimples: What's the difference?
Acne is a chronic skin condition that causes inflamed blemishes (breakouts) on areas of the body like the face, back, and chest. Why there? Because these areas are rich with oil glands that can clog your pores under certain conditions.

A pimple is a general term for a clogged hair follicle (pore), which is also known as a comedone. There are a few different types of pimple, and they don't all mean you have acne:
Blackheads: small, inflamed bumps with a black tip, also known as open comedones

Whiteheads/pustules: small, inflamed bumps with a pus-filled tip, also known as closed comedones

Papules: small, inflamed bumps that don't have a pus-filled tip

Nodules: large (5mm+), inflamed lesions that are deeper than papules or pustules

Cysts: a more severe form of nodule that often leads to acne scars
Why can't I get isotretinoin (Accutane) through Amazon Clinic?
Isotretinoin (Accutane) isn't available through Amazon Clinic because it's used to treat severe types of acne like cystic acne that haven't responded to other treatments. If you've been diagnosed with cystic acne, you'll need to see a trusted healthcare provider like a primary care physician (PCP) or dermatologist for the most aggressive acne medications.
Can I get a prescription for tretinoin (Retin-A) even if I don't have acne?
If you're most concerned about dark spots, acne scars, hyperpigmentation, general skin firmness or texture, or fine lines and wrinkles, we recommend that you start your visit from Amazon Clinic's Anti-aging and anti-wrinkle skin care page. Our acne intake form is optimized for treating acne breakouts, whereas our anti-aging intake is optimized for treating skin that may need a youthful boost.
What can I do to improve my self-esteem while getting acne treatment?
It may take time to find the right combination of acne medications for your skin, but while you're waiting for these clinically-proven acne treatments to work, you can remind yourself of the following:
Acne isn't your fault. It doesn't mean that you're unclean or unhealthy. Acne is a chronic skin condition that's largely inherited. If your parents had acne, you're more likely to have acne.

Acne affects all ages, not just teens. And it's the #1 reason that Americans visit the dermatologist. You are not alone.
If you're struggling emotionally as you and your clinician evaluate the best acne medications for your unique skin, don't hesitate to reach out to a mental health counselor or a therapist. It's normal for heightened self-consciousness to lead to feelings of depression or social anxiety. A therapist can help you build strategies to work through your distress.
What types of visit can I have?
Video visits are available in all 50 states and D.C. Message-only visits are available in 34 states. To see your visit options, first choose your state.
Can I use my health insurance to pay for a visit and/or medication?
Amazon Clinic doesn't accept health insurance for visits at this time. You can submit a claim to your insurance provider for reimbursement, but we can’t guarantee they’ll reimburse you.

If you normally use insurance to pay for your medications, you can do that with medications prescribed through Amazon Clinic. Amazon Pharmacy accepts most insurance plans. For other pharmacies, please talk with your pharmacy directly about insurance coverage. The cost of medication isn’t included in the cost of your visit.
How does Amazon Clinic protect my health information?
Amazon Clinic protects your health information by strictly following the requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). HIPAA governs what Amazon Clinic and your healthcare providers can do with your medical information, as well as your contact and payment information. Amazon Clinic doesn’t and will never sell your personal information. Learn more on our privacy page.
1. Heng, A. H. S., & Chew, F. T. (2020). Systematic review of the epidemiology of acne vulgaris. Scientific reports, 10(1), 5754. Retrieved from
2. Oge', L. K., Broussard, A., & Marshall, M. D. (2019). Acne Vulgaris: Diagnosis and Treatment. American family physician, 100(8), 475–484. Retrieved from
3. Zaenglein, A. L., Pathy, A. L., Schlosser, B. J., Alikhan, A., Baldwin, H. E., Berson, D. S., Bowe, W. P., Graber, E. M., Harper, J. C., Kang, S., Keri, J. E., Leyden, J. J., Reynolds, R. V., Silverberg, N. B., Stein Gold, L. F., Tollefson, M. M., Weiss, J. S., Dolan, N. C., Sagan, A. A., Stern, M., … Bhushan, R. (2016). Guidelines of care for the management of acne vulgaris. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 74(5), 945–73.e33. Retrieved from