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Middle-aged woman in white t-shirt scratches at skin inflammation on her arm, mobile phone shows Amazon Clinic telehealth intake form, person in plaid flannel shirt rubs eczema lotion into itchy hands

Eczema treatment - Online visit

5 stars
Outline of healthcare provider with medical cross symbol
Virtual visit
starting at


*Prices vary by location
Get virtual care from a licensed clinician quickly—no appointment necessary.
Answer some health questions and connect with a clinician
Pick up any prescribed medication at a pharmacy of your choice or have it delivered
Pay a flat visit fee without surprise bills (insurance not accepted)
Your health data is secure and protected by our practices and by law
Happy, barefoot, young woman with short hair and yellow turtleneck sits sideways in chair with hands clasped

Is this visit right for me?

Ages 18-64
You’ve been diagnosed with eczema (atopic dermatitis)
You’re not oozing or bleeding from the affected area
You don’t have other signs of infection (like more pain, swelling, or redness than usual)
You don’t have eczema on your eyelid or around your eyes

How do you treat eczema flare-ups?

Eczema flare-ups are generally treated with anti-inflammatory therapies like topical steroids. And over-the-counter antihistamines like Benadryl can reduce itchiness.

But eczema care is also about preventing flare-ups through daily skin care and the avoidance of common triggers like fragrant soap or detergent, wool fabric, and temperature extremes.

Common eczema treatments

Your clinician will determine which (if any) eczema treatment is medically appropriate for you based on your symptoms and health history. Your clinician won’t prescribe oral (systemic) steroids, injectables, or immunotherapy.

If you're prescribed medication, pick it up at a pharmacy of your choice. Choose Amazon Pharmacy for free delivery and transparent Prime pricing. The cost of your prescribed medication may be covered by health insurance.
Icon of a tube of medication
Topical corticosteroids
Steroid creams and ointments work on the skin to activate its natural protections. Steroids are classified based on how strong they are, ranging from the least potent (Class VII) to the most potent (Class I).
Clobetasol propionate
Triamcinolone acetonide
Icon of a prescription bottle and pills
Over-the-counter (OTC) oral antihistamines can relieve eczema's itchiness, which tends to be worse at night.
Diphenhydramine (Benadryl)
Fexofenadine (Allegra)
Loratadine (Claritin)
Icon of a tube of medication
Topical calcineurin inhibitors
These prescription eczema medications work directly on the immune system to control a chemical that can lead to eczema flare-ups.
Pimecrolimus (Elidel)
Tacrolimus (Protopic)
Icon of a tube of medication
OTC moisturizers, especially those that are allergen-free and oil-rich, can help protect the skin barrier.
Gold Bond
Man with glasses holding mobile phone on couch, mobile phone shows Amazon Clinic intake questionnaire, Amazon box delivered to doorstep
How it works
Treatment for ages 18-64
Answer some questions
We'll ask some questions about your symptoms, health history, and what you're looking for.
Connect with a clinician
Choose from multiple online providers and between video or message-only (if available in your state).
Get a treatment plan and medication, if prescribed
Your clinician will determine what's medically appropriate for you and send any prescriptions to a pharmacy of your choice.
Follow up for 14 days
You'll have unlimited messaging with your clinician for 14 days after you receive your treatment plan. Ask questions about your treatment, or change or adjust your medication.
Multiple online clinics to choose from
Amazon Clinic partners with online clinics to deliver treatment. All partners have U.S.-licensed clinicians and adhere to strict regulatory standards.
Compare prices, response times, and available treatments to pick the online clinic that works best for you.

More care for your skin

Woman with skin symptoms examines red cheeks in mirror


Rosacea can cause skin redness as well as pus-filled bumps.
Woman with skin symptoms examines her torso and arm breakouts in mirror

Not sure what's causing your breakout?

Connect with a clinician face-to-face for skin diagnosis and treatment. This video visit can treat up to 2 skin conditions.

Frequently asked questions

What causes eczema?
The itchy, dry, and red skin that characterizes eczema is caused by a defective skin barrier. Our skin keeps in moisture and keeps out micro-invaders from the environment, but this function can be dysregulated when someone has eczema. Scientists still aren’t sure exactly why this happens.
What are the best eczema skin care habits?
Although everyone’s skin is different, the National Eczema Association recommends the following practices to help manage eczema and prevent flare-ups:
• After a daily bath or shower in lukewarm water, take the next 3 minutes to apply any prescription eczema creams to damp skin, followed by lotion with a high oil content to help seal in your skin’s moisture.

Moisturize twice daily

• Soak in a diluted bleach bath for 10 minutes twice weekly (or more frequently if eczema is severe). Bleach baths should have a ratio of 1/4 to 1/2 cup of bleach per full bathtub of water. Be sure to rinse off the bleach solution, then moisturize your skin within 3 minutes of getting out of the bath.

• Use eczema treatment as needed for maintenance

• Work on managing stress, which can trigger eczema
Are people with eczema more likely to experience other autoimmune disorders?
Eczema, asthma, and allergic rhinitis are all atopic diseases, meaning they're caused by an exaggerated and inappropriate immune response to a perceived threat. Essentially, your body's immune system recognizes a harmless substance (an antigen) as an enemy and launches a counterattack, leading to inflammation.
Eczema: skin inflammation caused by dysregulation of the skin's barrier function

Asthma: bronchoconstriction caused by hyperresponsive airways

Allergic rhinitis (AR): nasal inflammation caused by sensitization to aeroallergens
These 3 conditions are often linked across the lifespan, with childhood eczema sometimes leading to allergic rhinitis and asthma in a process called the atopic march.
• Up to 80% of children with asthma are later diagnosed with asthma and/or allergic rhinitis

• Up to 40% of people with allergic rhinitis also have asthma

• Up to 50% of people with asthma also have allergic rhinitis
There's no clear consensus on what causes these atopic diseases, though experts know that our environment is at least partially responsible. Factors like diet, hygiene, infections, and air pollution have all been implicated in the atopic triad.
What types of visit can I have?
Video visits are available in all 50 states and D.C. Message-only visits are available in 34 states. To see your visit options, first choose your state.
Can I use my health insurance to pay for a visit and/or medication?
Amazon Clinic doesn't accept health insurance for visits at this time. You can submit a claim to your insurance provider for reimbursement, but we can’t guarantee they’ll reimburse you.

If you normally use insurance to pay for your medications, you can do that with medications prescribed through Amazon Clinic. Amazon Pharmacy accepts most insurance plans. For other pharmacies, please talk with your pharmacy directly about insurance coverage. The cost of medication isn’t included in the cost of your visit.
How does Amazon Clinic protect my health information?
Amazon Clinic protects your health information by strictly following the requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). HIPAA governs what Amazon Clinic and your healthcare providers can do with your medical information, as well as your contact and payment information. Amazon Clinic doesn’t and will never sell your personal information. Learn more on our privacy page.
1. Hill, D. A., & Spergel, J. M. (2018). The atopic march: Critical evidence and clinical relevance. Annals of allergy, asthma & immunology : official publication of the American College of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology, 120(2), 131–137. Retrieved from
2. National Eczema Association. (2013). National Eczema Association.