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Pink eye (conjunctivitis) treatment - Online visit

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Virtual visit
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*Prices vary by location
Get virtual care from a licensed clinician quickly—no appointment necessary.
Answer some health questions and connect with a clinician
Pick up any prescribed medication at a pharmacy of your choice
Pay a flat visit fee without surprise bills (insurance not accepted)
Your health data is secure and protected by our practices and by law
Happy, barefoot, young woman with short hair and yellow turtleneck sits sideways in chair with hands clasped

What is pink eye?

Pink eye (conjunctivitis) is the infection or inflammation of the conjunctiva, the clear membrane that covers the surface of the eye. Pink eye is usually caused by an infectious virus. It can also be caused by bacteria, allergies, or irritants.

What are pink eye symptoms?

• Redness
• Discharge
• Irritation or burning
• Itchiness or tears

Common pink eye medications

Your clinician will determine which (if any) pink eye treatment is medically appropriate for you based on your symptoms and health history. If you're prescribed medication, pick it up at a pharmacy of your choice. The cost of your prescribed medication may be covered by health insurance.
Icon of a tube of medication
Antibiotic eye ointment
Icon of a tube of medication
Antibiotic eye drops
Smiling woman accesses healthcare platform from mobile phone, mobile phone shows telehealth treatment plan from Amazon Clinic, person dispenses ointment from a white tube
How it works
Treatment for ages 18-64
No appointment needed
Start an online visit with U.S.-licensed clinicians quickly and discreetly, whenever works best for you.
Pick your online provider
All participating providers offer affordable prices and care at your convenience.
Answer some questions and connect with a clinician
We'll ask some questions about your symptoms, health history, and what you're looking for, then connect you with a clinician within hours.
Personalized treatment
Your clinician will review your health history and symptoms, then help you find the best treatment.
Pick up your medication at a pharmacy of your choice or get free, discreet shipping from Amazon Pharmacy. The cost of medication isn't included in your visit. You'll need to pay for it separately at the pharmacy.
Follow-up care
Unlimited messaging with your clinician for 14 days after you receive your treatment plan. Ask questions about your treatment, or change or adjust your medication.
Frequently asked questions
Is this visit right for me?
This visit may be right for you if:
• You’re over 18 years old and need treatment for yourself

• You're not experiencing vision changes, like sensitivity to light or blurred vision

• You don’t have pain around your eyes

• Your eyes haven’t been recently injured or exposed to chemicals

• You’ve had eye symptoms for fewer than 14 days

• You’re not pregnant
Can I use this service to get pink eye treatment for my child?
No. We understand that pink eye (conjunctivitis) can be highly contagious and may spread within households, but only adults (ages 18 to 64) can get treatment through Amazon Clinic at this time. If your child (under 18) has pink eye symptoms, they'll need to be treated by a pediatrician.
Is pink eye infectious?
Pink eye can be infectious or noninfectious. If you have bacterial or viral pink eye, your infection can spread to someone else. If you have allergic pink eye, you can't infect someone else.

To help prevent a viral or bacterial pink eye infection from spreading, wash your hands often and don't share tissues, towels, pillowcases, or any other personal items.
How do I know what kind of pink eye I have?
Your eye symptoms can help determine what kind of conjunctivitis you have:
Allergic conjunctivitis: Redness, itchiness, and watery discharge in both eyes

Bacterial conjunctivitis: Redness and thick discharge, usually in one eye

Viral conjunctivitis: Redness, a gritty or sandy sensation, and watery discharge in one eye, usually followed by the other eye within 2 days. Viral pink eye is often preceded by mild cold or flu symptoms from a common adenovirus. Most adult cases of conjunctivitis are viral.
It's important for a clinician to know what's causing your pink eye so they can prescribe the right conjunctivitis treatment and provide symptom relief.
What other conditions can cause pink or red eyes?
Though conjunctivitis (inflammation of the conjunctiva) is the most common cause of eye redness and discharge, multiple conditions can cause red or pink eyes, including the following:
Blepharitis, when your eyelids are irritated and inflamed*

Stye (hordeolum), when you have a painful lump on the eyelid*

Subconjunctival hemorrhage, when a strain like a violent sneeze causes broken blood vessels in the eye

Corneal abrasion, when the surface of the cornea experiences a trauma like a scratch

Contact lens overwear, which can cause dryness or abrasions
If you sense a foreign body in your eye, can't keep your eye open, have had recent eye trauma, experience vision changes, develop light sensitivity, or feel serious eye pain, you'll need to see a trusted healthcare provider like an opthalmologist (eye doctor) or an urgent care clinician for an in-person evaluation as soon as possible.

*Can be treated through a General medical care visit
What types of visit can I have?
Video visits are available in all 50 states and D.C. Message-only visits are available in 34 states. To see your visit options, first choose your state.
Can I use my health insurance to pay for a visit and/or medication?
Amazon Clinic doesn't accept health insurance for visits at this time. You can submit a claim to your insurance provider for reimbursement, but we can’t guarantee they’ll reimburse you.

If you normally use insurance to pay for your medications, you can do that with medications prescribed through Amazon Clinic. Amazon Pharmacy accepts most insurance plans. For other pharmacies, please talk with your pharmacy directly about insurance coverage. The cost of medication isn’t included in the cost of your visit.
How does Amazon Clinic protect my health information?
Amazon Clinic protects your health information by strictly following the requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). HIPAA governs what Amazon Clinic and your healthcare providers can do with your medical information, as well as your contact and payment information. Amazon Clinic doesn’t and will never sell your personal information. Learn more on our privacy page.
1. Azari, A. A., & Barney, N. P. (2013). Conjunctivitis: a systematic review of diagnosis and treatment. JAMA, 310(16), 1721–1729. Retrieved from