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Happy young woman with braids holds pack of daily birth control pills, young woman applies birth control patch to shoulder, Amazon Clinic customer completes telehealth intake questionnaire on mobile phone

Birth control treatment - Online visit

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Outline of healthcare provider with medical cross symbol
Virtual visit
starting at


*Prices vary by location
Get virtual care from a licensed clinician quickly—no appointment necessary.
Answer some health questions and connect with a clinician
Pick up any prescribed medication at a pharmacy of your choice or have it delivered
Pay a flat visit fee without surprise bills (insurance not accepted)
Your health data is secure and protected by our practices and by law

Common birth control treatments

Your clinician will determine which (if any) treatment is medically appropriate for you based on your symptoms and health history. If you're prescribed medication, pick it up at a pharmacy of your choice. Choose Amazon Pharmacy for free delivery and transparent Prime pricing. The cost of your prescribed medication may be covered by health insurance.
Blister pack of daily birth control pills

Birth control pills

Take daily
You take daily pills that contain one or a combination of hormones. Birth control pills are the most common form of reversible contraception.
Hormonal birth control patch

Hormone patches

Replace weekly
You wear a transdermal patch, usually on the arm or the lower abdomen, that contains a combination of estrogen and progestin hormones. You change the patch once a week. Xulane is a common prescription.
Hand holding vaginal ring birth control method

Vaginal rings

Replace monthly or yearly
You place a ring containing hormones into your vagina and remove it every 3 to 6 weeks. NuvaRing and Annovera are common prescriptions.
Hand holding injectable birth control method

Birth control shot

Inject every 3 months
You inject yourself every 12 to 15 weeks with syringes prefilled with depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA), a kind of hormone. Depo-Provera is a common prescription.

Smiling woman accesses healthcare from mobile phone, mobile phone shows telehealth treatment plan from Amazon Clinic, relaxed women types on laptop on couch surrounded by plants and window light

How it works

Treatment for women, ages 18-55
No appointment needed
Start an online visit with U.S.-licensed clinicians quickly and discreetly, whenever works best for you.
Pick your online provider
All participating providers offer affordable prices and care at your convenience.
Answer some questions and connect with a clinician
We'll ask some questions about your health history and what you're looking for, then connect you with a clinician within hours.
Personalized treatment
Your clinician will review your health history and symptoms, then help you find the best treatment.
Pick up your medication at a pharmacy of your choice or get free, discreet shipping from Amazon Pharmacy. The cost of medication isn't included in your visit. You'll need to pay for it separately at the pharmacy.
Follow-up care
Unlimited messaging with your clinician for 14 days after you receive your treatment plan. Ask questions about your treatment, or change or adjust your medication.

Frequently asked questions

Is this visit right for me?
This visit may be right for you if:
• You don’t have cardiovascular disease or cancer of the breast or uterus

• You don’t take medications that can interfere with the hormones in birth control

• Your blood pressure is lower than 140/90

• You’re younger than 55 and premenopausal
How do I choose a birth control method?
To choose a birth control method, clinicians recommend that you research your options and consider what's most important to you. Here's more information about the types of birth control available through Amazon Clinic:

Birth control pills

Birth control pills, also called oral contraceptives, are the most common form of reversible contraception in the U.S. You take birth control pills every day, ideally at the same time. These pills contain hormones that prevent pregnancy when taken as directed.

There are 2 main types of hormonal birth control pills:
Combination pills. These birth control pills contain a progestin hormone and an estrogen hormone (usually ethinyl estradiol). The estrogen can help produce a regular menstrual bleeding pattern. Commonly prescribed combination pills include Sprintec, Junel, Loestrin, and Yasmin.

Progestin-only pills, also known as minipills. These birth control pills contain only a progestin hormone (norethindrone or drospirenone). Commonly prescribed progestin-only pills include Camila, Errin, Heather, and Micronor.
Most hormonal birth control pills are prescribed monthly, but some extended cycle pills like Seasonale are designed for continuous dosing.

Vaginal rings

Vaginal rings are placed in the vagina every 3 weeks. A vaginal ring releases combination hormones that prevent pregnancy when used as directed. Some vaginal rings (like Annovera) can be washed and reused for up to a year, while others (like NuvaRing and EluRyng) are replaced every month.

Hormonal patches

Birth control patches are hormonal patches that you wear on your skin (usually on the arm or lower abdomen) and change once a week. These transdermal patches contain both estrogen and progestin hormones. Birth control patches aren't as effective at preventing pregnancy if your BMI is 30 or higher. Common prescriptions include Xulane, Ortho-Evra, and Twirla.

Birth control shots

Birth control shots contain a progestin called depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA). You typically inject yourself in the arm or butt once every 3 months with prefilled syringes. This type of birth control can delay a return to fertility. Depo-Provera SQ is a common prescription.
What do I need to get birth control online?
To request a birth control prescription online, your clinician will need to know your blood pressure. This is because combination birth control (containing estrogen) can affect blood pressure levels.

If you've gotten a blood pressure reading within the last 12 months, you can use that. To get a new blood pressure reading, you can visit your local pharmacy or primary care doctor, or use a home blood pressure monitor.

Your clinician will also need to know additional health information, like your smoking history and the medications you're taking. Certain medications (like some seizure medications and blood thinners) can make hormonal birth control less effective.
Why can't I get birth control over age 55?
Hormonal contraceptives can have health risks when taken beyond the primary reproductive years. If you're interested in hormone replacement therapy (HRT), you'll need to talk to a trusted healthcare provider like a primary care physician (PCP) or an obstetrician-gynecologist (OB-GYN).
Can I get emergency contraception through Amazon Clinic?
Yes. To request a prescription for ella, a medication that can prevent pregnancy when taken within 5 days of having unprotected sex, start your visit from Amazon Clinic's Emergency contraception (morning-after pill) page.
What types of visit can I have?
Video visits are available in all 50 states and D.C. Message-only visits are available in 34 states. To see your visit options, first choose your state.
Can I use my health insurance to pay for a visit and/or medication?
Amazon Clinic doesn't accept health insurance for visits at this time. You can submit a claim to your insurance provider for reimbursement, but we can’t guarantee they’ll reimburse you.

If you normally use insurance to pay for your medications, you can do that with medications prescribed through Amazon Clinic. Amazon Pharmacy accepts most insurance plans. For other pharmacies, please talk with your pharmacy directly about insurance coverage. The cost of medication isn’t included in the cost of your visit.
How does Amazon Clinic protect my health information?
Amazon Clinic protects your health information by strictly following the requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). HIPAA governs what Amazon Clinic and your healthcare providers can do with your medical information, as well as your contact and payment information. Amazon Clinic doesn’t and will never sell your personal information. Learn more on our privacy page.
1. Teal, S., & Edelman, A. (2021). Contraception Selection, Effectiveness, and Adverse Effects: A Review. JAMA, 326(24), 2507–2518. Retrieved from